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[title] => Green ON 0909
[nick_name] => 관리자
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[content] =>
- Dose reduction made possible with Rayence Core CsI
- 50% reduction in patient exposure and improved SNR
- (compared to the company's 1st generation Fluoroscopy product)
- Acquire high DQE images even at low doses with Green ON technology
Lineup of various active areas
ranging from small to large
- Green ON 0909 : 21 X 21cm (9inch)
- Green ON 1212 : 29.8 X 29.8cm (12inch)
- Green ON 1717 : 43 X 43cm (17inch)
Premier Image Quality with
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[title] => Green ON 1717
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[content] =>
- Dose reduction made possible with Rayence Core CsI
- 50% reduction in patient exposure and improved SNR
- (compared to the company's 1st generation Fluoroscopy product)
- Acquire high DQE images even at low doses with Green ON technology
Lineup of various active areas
ranging from small to large
- Green ON 0909 : 21 X 21cm (9inch)
- Green ON 1212 : 29.8 X 29.8cm (12inch)
- Green ON 1717 : 43 X 43cm (17inch)
Premier Image Quality with
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Optimized design for C-arm application
- Compact design for space utilization and mobility efficiency (6x6 / 9x9 inch)
Low noise is achieved by advanced CMOS technology
- High DQE
- High sensitivity with less noise
- Enables get good Image quality at reduced dose more than 30%
- Excellent contrast characteristics at dense, thick objects.
Quick diagnosis avaliable at high frame rate
- High frame rate (max. 30 fps)
- High & Quick diagnostic accuracy
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Optimized design for C-arm application
- Compact design for space utilization and mobility efficiency (6x6 / 9x9 inch)
Low noise is achieved by advanced CMOS technology
- High DQE
- High sensitivity with less noise
- Enables get good Image quality at reduced dose more than 30%
- Excellent contrast characteristics at dense, thick objects.
Quick diagnosis avaliable at high frame rate
- High frame rate (max. 30 fps)
- High & Quick diagnostic accuracy
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[content] =>
rayence's powerful performance, Super IGZO
- Super IGZO, panel designed by rayence
- No Image lag at high speed
- High reliability that are not defective even in long-term use
- Life time : 65,000 times avaliable (10 times a day)
Clear Image without image lag
- Accurate dianosis at High DQE & SNR
(Increased DQE up to 80%, Increased SNR up to 25%)
- Enables get good Image quality at reduced dose more than 30%
Real-time Imaging solution for C-arm/RF
- Supporting optimized C-arm/RF driver mode for C-arm/RF application
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[content] =>
Real-time Imaging solution for RF application
(Radiography and Fluoroscopy)
- Dynamic detector for Diagnosis & Surgery
- Outstanding performance for accurate and fast diagnosis
- Supporting optimized RF driver mode for RF application
IGZO detector providing superior image quality at low dose
- No Image lag at high speed
- Accurate dianosis at High DQE & SNR
(Increased DQE up to 80%, Increased SNR up to 25%)
- Enables get good Image quality at reduced dose more than 30%
High performance providing High resolution image
- Large active area (17x17 inch)
- Fast frame rate max. 15fps by 5Giga Ethernet
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